Today there are many different diets. Some are based on eliminating carbohydrates from the diet, while others work by eliminating protein and fatty foods. They all have their drawbacks, so an alternative would be the "Favorite" diet for 7 days. He is not a mono-diet, his diet is quite soft, but at the same time helps to cleanse the body well and reduce weight.

What is your "Favorite" diet for 7 days?
In fact, it is a chain of one-day mono-diets and fasting days. It is not easy to endure it, you have to be well tuned for the result, you have to prepare yourself, first of all, psychologically. It includes separate meals, that is, it teaches proper nutrition even after the course is over. The second benefit of the diet mentioned by almost all women is getting used to eating slowly. During the diet, the size of your stomach decreases and it is convenient to eat small portions and do without sweets.
The good and the bad
The diet got its name because of its extreme popularity among women. Millions of the fair sex regularly use it to normalize and maintain their ideal weight. The 7-day "Favorite" diet combines all the most popular fasting day schemes that involve eating one product. From this variety, a universal weight loss plan was created. This can be called both positive and negative. On the one hand, the menu is more diverse, on the other hand, the diet remains strict, complex and unbalanced.

The essence of the energy system
The 7-day "Favorite" diet, as already mentioned, is a series of fasting days. Each of them is dedicated to a separate product and performs a certain function. It is the consistent adherence to the recommendations that allows you to get really good results.
The most important rule is to maintain harmony between the caloric content of the consumed food and the level of physical activity. This skill is very important: if you can implement it daily in your diet, you will never be overweight again. The rest of the diet is quite simple and not too expensive. This allows you to use different products during the day, which compensates for the shortcomings of mono-diets.
Operating principle
Why are other diet plans harder to tolerate than the "Favorite" diet? This is due to the use of alternate days here. Changing a low-calorie and nutritious diet allows you to keep the course until the end, in addition, it is this way of eating that ensures effective cleansing of the body.

Basic recommendations
Each organism is individual, so the diet plan should be adapted to its characteristics. If you are looking for a simple way to lose weight, then the "Favorite" diet is especially for you. The menu is very simple, but if you follow it, constipation often occurs. If you have already noticed difficulties with bowel movements, take a laxative at night before starting the diet. This will allow you to clean the intestines as effectively as possible on the first day, so that later toxins do not poison the body, cause weakness and deterioration of health.
Don't stop at one product (such as drinking water or an apple on fruit day). Try to diversify your diet as much as possible. Vegetables and fruits can be cooked or eaten raw or pureed. That's why women like the "Favorite" diet more than others. The menu can be adjusted and customized according to your preferences.
We must not forget that any diet is a stress for the body. Sometimes a snack is the only way to get rid of the habit of eating large amounts of food or unhealthy foods: fatty, fried, sweet. This is a "Favorite" diet that helps you adjust to individual meals and a proper diet. The results are individual but impressive. You can get rid of 3-10 kilograms of excess weight in a week.
But despite all its advantages, the diet is designed for a healthy person. Be sure to consult your doctor and nutritionist before starting. Usually people ignore this advice, they only want one thing - to lose weight as soon as possible. Remember that the "Favorite" diet also has contraindications. The results are not worth the damage to your health. People with gastritis, colitis, heart, liver and kidney diseases should not follow this regimen.

Seven colors of the rainbow - seven days to a delicate figure
Psychological attitude is very important so that the result does not wait for itself and lasts for a long time. It is not necessary to "go through all the circles of hell", cleanse your body of toxins and adjust your figure. Diet is a good thing, not a bad thing. Remember the customs associated with fasting. By giving up heavy food, a person came to inner purity and mental balance. You should follow the path of the monks, be firmer in your intentions, gain self-confidence.
A little practice will help you overcome internal obstacles more easily. Get a set of colored cardboard and make seven petals of different colors. Put tape on the fridge. Each time you pluck another petal, you can read the children's "magic" from the fairy tale "The Little Flower of Seven Flowers". So, every day you will set yourself the goal of losing a certain kilogram of weight again, and the results will not wait for you.
Fasting day - drink
These are the most difficult days on the one hand, and the most important days on the other. It allows the body to turn into old fat reserves, interrupt the constant supply of food and clean the intestines well. Here it is necessary to turn to nature a little. So, the ancient man did not have the opportunity to eat every day and ran a lot. In the Middle Ages, peasants worked hard and their daily meals were cow's milk, cottage cheese and soup. Only when cattle were slaughtered did people have the opportunity to eat in abundance. Modern man sits a lot and at the same time constantly tries to eat something. The body sometimes doesn't have enough energy to do other things because it has to constantly digest food.
A "favorite" diet will help you change your irrational attitude towards food. A day of drinking cannot be called a day of hunger. In addition to water, you can and should consume skim milk, kefir or whey. Vegetable juices and broths are very useful (just avoid rich meat - vegetable ones are better). Chicken broth is allowed, but only the meat used to cook it must be skinless and lean, for example, breast. It is not permissible to use salt. But be careful with fruit juices, they contain a lot of sugar. As a last resort, dilute them with water.
Intense physical activity is contraindicated on drinking days. If you can't reschedule your workout, monitor your well-being. If you feel dizzy and weak, it is better to postpone the lesson or significantly reduce the load.

Vegetable diet
The first day has passed, now you can eat more normally. Vegetable Day opens up real opportunities for creativity. A "favorite" diet is reassuring and gives confidence that it is possible to continue until the end. Now it is allowed to eat any vegetable, boiled, cooked, raw, grated or chopped in a blender. The exception is potatoes, because they contain a lot of starch. The rest is up to you.
Today's favorites are carrots, beets and cabbage. They have proven themselves to be excellent natural fat burners. Moreover, beets do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment, so you can treat yourself to delicious boiled beetroot puree, boiled carrots and fresh cabbage salad. It is allowed to use vegetable oil to improve the taste, but not more than 2 spoons per day.
In addition to these vegetables, pumpkin is great for helping you lose weight. They can also be baked or grilled. Do not neglect greens, they complement the taste of any salad or ready meal and improve metabolism. Fresh tomato and cucumber salad will be a great appetizer, and baked pumpkin will be a healthy dessert.
The main rule of this day is to eat little, but often.
Fruit diet
It's usually the first few days that are hard to bear, then everything becomes more fun. Perhaps today the nutritional system has received the name "Favorite" diet. The menu (reviews are very flattering) consists only of fruits, and the allowed amount is 3 kg. It is worth removing bananas and grapes from your diet, because they are quite high in calories, or eat them in small amounts for breakfast. It is recommended to pay attention to citrus fruits - oranges or, even better, grapefruits. Apples can be cooked or mashed in a blender to make a great fruit puree so that your diet doesn't seem boring. Today is always easy and pleasant, especially since the half way is already behind us.

Protein diet
The "favorite" diet is about to end. Protein day is set aside to saturate the body with proteins that have been lacking recently. If you follow the diet correctly, the weight loss will continue after seven days.
Today, you should take eggs, cottage cheese and boiled chicken breast. Take 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, 2 boiled eggs for lunch, and 200 g of boiled breast for dinner. Portions can be increased if you engage in physical labor.

A gentle eating plan
Now we will look at the sequence of the table so that you can fully understand what the "Favorite" diet is (7 days). We will not repeat the menu, it is described above. The first day of the diet is to drink. Drink water and green tea without restrictions. This is necessary to speed up metabolism and prepare the body for changes.
The second day is vegetable day. The main thing here is to pay attention to cabbage, it should be fresh or cooked in the diet. This diet can also be called a strip diet, because the diet is repeated every day.
On the third day he drinks again. You must remember that you are on a diet and the results depend on the amount of food consumed. A glass of kefir and unsweetened tea will be enough for breakfast. For lunch - 200 g of unsalted chicken broth, 150 g of yogurt for an afternoon snack, and a glass of skim milk for dinner.
Today he draws a certain line, and in the future it will be easier to follow the diet. The fourth day is fruity, you can rest your soul, but don't forget grapefruits, include them in your diet.
Eat protein foods the next day. This allows you to return to a more or less normal diet. However, since protein is more difficult to digest than vegetables, it is drunk again on the sixth day. Your body will be able to completely digest the food consumed and get rid of the waste products.
The last day slowly brings us back to our normal diet. It combines different products. So, you can eat 2 eggs for breakfast, and fruit salad for the second breakfast or lunch. You should have chicken broth for lunch, fruit again for an afternoon snack, and a vegetable salad for dinner. Well, the week is over, you can step on the scales.

How to maintain the result or quit the diet
You've done a lot of work - you've fully followed the "Favorite" diet (7 days). Everyone will have their own result. For some, it will be minus 3 kilograms, for others - all - 10. But now it is up to you whether the weight will continue to decrease, or in the next week you will regain everything that you barely lost.
You need to limit yourself to flour and sweets for at least a month. It is necessary to note this habit and the result obtained. Then it will be easier to look at sweets and refuse bread. It is ideal if you stay on the diet of the last, seventh day for another week. For lunch, you can add another protein dish, steamed fish, chicken breast or cottage cheese. On the seventh day, the diet is quite diverse, it can easily be maintained for several more weeks. During this time, the process of losing weight will continue, the result will be firmly established, and most importantly, new eating habits will become the norm. This will be your lifeline in the world of food temptations. When you go on a diet, be sure to include physical exercise, starting with simple morning exercises.